Palace of the Fine Arts 2020
Palace of Fine Arts 2020 It was a nice day and we wanted to get out… so we went here again. It’s always great to visit this place.
Palace of Fine Arts 2020 It was a nice day and we wanted to get out… so we went here again. It’s always great to visit this place.
Heading towards the Golden Gate from SF, you will see the Palace of Fine Arts. Outside, if you can find parking, it is nice to just hangout and view the…
Located in Golden Gate Park, the California Academy of Science is pretty cool. There is an a Planetarium, live animals, aquarium, rain forest.. It is about $40 for adult (in…
Sand ladder at Baker Beach Baker beach is between the Seacliff neighborhood and Golden Gate Vista point. One of the features of Baker Beach is Sand Ladder. There are also…
Lincoln Steps Lincoln Park steps in San Francisco opened up with it being artistic and tiled. It is located in the outer Richmond district. We went to go check out.
Filbert Steps 2013 We’ve traversed these steps quite a few times. You start at the bottom, go through what feels like people’s backyards and side streets and then you come…
Tulalip Lights and Ice 2024 On the way to Vancouver BC, I was caught off guard by a some beatiful illuminations! I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before (I…
While we do mostly travel to Vancouver BC, I try to make it to Olympia to see my mom when we are nearby. This year, we stopped by Christmas day…
We often find local places to hike and enjoy. When it’s a weekend and nice weather, we don’t mind exploring too. This was a bit further than where we usually…
Sanada Tribute One of my favorite Samurai was Yukimura Sanada. When I went to Japan, I made sure I visited some of the Sanada clan areas. One of the places…