Stamping Japan – Kyushu Station seals

Seals seem to be a huge thing now in Japan. I went on a Tetsuin Quest of 46 3rd sector railway companies. While I didn’t get all and DON’T expect to, I tried my best to get many. Some of the Tetsuin are REALLY out there and you have to get to specific stations during business hours in order buy the Tetsuin. An example was I missed IGR Tetsuin because the office closed 5mins before I arrived. 

Many other started to have seals including Onsen, Gardens, Bridges… Additionally, other train companies! 

I discovered that Kyushu had seals as well. I was going after Eki stamps, but saw that seals advertisement on the wall.

I decided to get some of them while I was there. Here is the map of those locations!



This will add to the experience of going to Kyushu and collecting



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