Shikoku 88 Pilgrimage

I’ve been fascinated with this pilgrimage since I started going to Shikoku. The pilgrimage is a 1200 km walk and usually it takes 40-60 days. You walk around the whole Shikoku Island, stopping by various temples and getting their goshuin. 

While I don’t have that much time, I think about breaking it up to everytime I go to Japan and also doing it by car. 

30-40 days of straight walking. How do people have the time to do this?

Goshuin and Nokyocho

Every temple on this pilgrimage offers a goshuin. What I found out is that the Goshuincho for the Shikoku 88 is called “Nokyocho”. There is a website where a guy that did all journey showed ALL goshuin!!


Calligraphy and Stamps from the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage



Tokushima (徳島) Kochi (高知) Ehime (愛媛) Kagawa (香川)
1. Ryozanji (霊山寺) 24. Hotsumisakiji (最御崎寺) 40. Kanjizaiji (観自在寺) 66. Umpenji (雲辺寺)
2. Gokurakuji (極楽寺) 25. Shinshoji (津照寺) 41. Ryukoji (龍光寺) 67. Daikoji (大興寺)
3. Konsenji (金泉寺) 26. Kongochoji (金剛頂寺) 42. Butsumokuji (佛木寺) 68. Jinne in (神恵院)
4. Dainichiji (大日寺) 27. Konomineji (神峯寺) 43. Meisekiji (明石寺) 69. Kannonji (観音寺)
5. Jizoji (地蔵寺) 28. Dainichiji (大日寺) 44. Daihoji (大寶寺) 70. Motoyamaji (本山寺)
6. Anrakuji (安楽寺) 29. Kokubunji (国分寺) 45. Iwayaji (岩屋寺) 71. Iyadaniji (弥谷寺)
7. Jurakuji (十楽寺) 30. Zenrakuji (善楽寺) 46. Joruriji (浄瑠璃寺) 72. Mandaraji (曼荼羅寺)
8. Kumadaniji (熊谷寺) 31. Chikurinji (竹林寺) 47. Yasakaji (八坂寺) 73. Shusshakaji (出釈迦寺)
9. Horinji (法輪寺) 32. Zenjibuji (禅師峰寺) 48. Sairinji (西林寺) 74. Koyamaji (甲山寺)
10. Kirihataji (切幡寺) 33. Sekkeiji (雪渓寺) 49. Jodoji (浄土寺) 75. Zentsuji (善通寺)
11. Fujiidera (藤井寺) 34. Tanemaji (種間寺) 50. Hantaji (繁多寺) 76. Konzoji (金倉寺)
12. Shosanji (焼山寺) 35. Kiyotakiji (清滝寺) 51. Ishiteji (石手寺) 77. Doryuji (道隆寺)
13. Dainichiji (大日寺) 36, Shoryuji (青龍寺) 52. Taisanji (太山寺) 78. Goshoji (郷照寺)
14. Jorakuji (常楽寺) 37. Iwamotoji (岩本寺) 53. Enmyoji (圓明寺) 79. Tennoji (天皇寺)
15. Kokubunji (国分寺) 38. Kongofukuji (金剛福寺) 54. Enmeiji (延命寺) 80. Kokubunji (國分寺)
16. Kannonji (観音寺) 39. Enkoji (延光寺) 55. Nankobo (南光坊) 81. Shiromineji (白峯寺)
17. Idoji (井戸寺)   56. Taisanji (泰山寺) 82. Negoroji (根香寺)
18. Onzanji (恩山寺)   57. Eifukuji (栄福寺) 83. Ichinomiyaji (一宮寺)
19. Tatsueji (立江寺)   58. Senyuji (仙遊寺) 84. Yashimaji (屋島寺)
20. Kakurinji (鶴林寺)   59. Kokubunji (国分寺) 85. Yakuriji (八栗寺)
21. Teiryuji (太龍寺)   60. Yokomineji (横峰寺) 86. Shidoji (志度寺)
22. Byodoji (平等寺)   61. Kouonji (香園寺) 87. Nagaoji (長尾寺)
23. Yakuoji (薬王寺)   62. Hojuji (宝寿寺) 88. Okuboji (大窪寺)
    63. Kichijoji (吉祥寺)  
    64. Maegamiji (前神寺)  
    65. Sankakuji (三角寺)  


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