Here are some of the places that I have traveled to. Sometimes with family and many times (such as Japan) without.
I felt that every place has something to see, even though it might not be extravagant, doesn’t mean it can’t be appreciated.
Of course, traveling is subjective.
The main locations will be the heading and underneath will be what I experienced in that area.
Bay Area/California
California is a big state. I moved here in the mid 2000s, my kids were born here, I finished my education and my career is here. I’ve always had ties to California via my dad (he grew up in the bay area) and my mom’s side, my cousins in Los Angeles.
There is a lot in California to do and it is why it is a desirable place to live.
Vancouver BC/Canada
Vancouver BC is like a second home. I used to go there when I was younger and fell in love. When Jasmin’s siblings moved there, there was even more of a reason to go there annually. During the summers, Jacob and Lucas would stay there. There is so much to explore and it is always cool to find new things in BC.
Canada/ Vancouver BC
I’ve been to Japan many times and I cannot get enough of it. Being a Japanese car enthusiast, this is heaven. While all my trips have been about cars, I made the mistake in my early trips (2001-2006) of not exploring the culture enough. I was only focused on cars and friends, so when I returned subsequently, I made sure it was about culture, history and art.
In 1999, I was surfing and was looking at websites. Many Japanese were making their own homepages through and others. The results of yahoo was different with each region. After I connected with a few people, I eventually made my way to there.
Japan Trips
Pacific Northwest/Washington
I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. My parents live in Olympia. So eventually I would have to make something about the PNW.
Pacific Northwest
The main locations will be the heading and underneath will be what I experienced in that area.
When I tell people I was born in Berlin, Germany, it always catches people by surprise. Then people ask, “How long have you lived there”, in which my reply is,”only when I was a baby”.
Europe has too many things to see. Culture, food, history, art… So grouping all these countries into a simple continent isn’t easy, but since I’ve only been to a few places, I can’t expand until I reach more.
Jasmin’s sisters were living in Ireland at the time and she also has family in London, so we were able to visit these places.
London and Wales 2009
- London 2009 part 1: London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Admiralty Arch, Trafalgar Square, and Piccadilly Square/ Circus
- London 2009 part 2: Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Notting Hill, Abbey Row
- Big Ben, London Eye and Tower Bridge at night 2009
- King’s Cross station, Platform 9 3/4 (from Harry Potter) 2009
- Stonehenge, Wales 2009
Ireland and North Ireland 2009
- Powerscourt Estate and Waterfall 2009
- Giant’s Causeway 2009
- Cliffs of Moher 2009
- A day in Dublin 2009
- The Spire of Dublin 2009
- Dunluce Castle 2009
- Wicklow Gap 2009
- Rock Fences 2009
- Dunguaire Castle 2009
- Glendalough Monastic city 2009
Paris, France 2018
Jasmin’s favorite place in the world is Paris. We have always said we would go and finally, we were able to! The city itself is wonderful. The culture, the art, the food, the people… simply amazing!
- Arrival in Paris!
- Night walk in Paris (Saint-Eustache, Saint-Jacques tower, Les Halles, Hotel de Ville, and the Seine)
- The Louvre Pyramids
- Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower)
- Statue of Louis XIV, Le Palais Royal, Fontaines de Pol Bury and Les Deux Plateaux
- Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris – more pix
- Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile
- Flamme de la Liberté
- RER C to Palace of Versailles – RER C train ride
- Place de la Concorde, Grande Roue De La Concorde (ferris wheel), and Luxor Obelisk
- Palace of Versailles and gardens – did not go inside
- Marche’Notre-Dame Market (with open air market)
- Musée D’Orsay – Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso
- Musée Du Louvre
- RER A to Noisy Le Grand – RER A train ride
- Champs-Elysees and Arc de Triomphe on a rainy night
- Galeries Lafayette and Academy of Music / Opera
- Les Halles
- Pont des Invalides and Pont Alexander III
- Jardin du Luxembourg
- The Pantheon
- Montparnasse Tower
- Gare Montparnasse to Abbesses Station – Metro 12 train
- Le Mur des je t’aime (I love you wall)
- Rue Drevet(stairs from Ronin the movie)
- Funiculaire de Montmartre – ascending/ descending cars counterbalanced.
- Sacre Coeur
- Pont Neuf – love locks bridge/corner
- L’Aerosol Street art museum
- Place du Trocadero
I don’t even have to tell you. Everyone wants to go to Hawaii. Finally I was able to experience Hawaii in a limited fashion as I was there for a week of training and conference. I did bring my family along and we really had a good time. I only stayed on O’ahu.