Getting a Goshuin really fueled this trip. Again, I never really paid attention to these, but after much research and trying to be proper at shrines and temples, this aspect was really amazing.
Goshuin are stamps to show you made a pilgrimage to a temple or shrine. I decided to do things as proper as possible. I would separate temple and shrine goshuin in different goshuincho (stamp book).
The Calligraphy and drawings are simply amazing IMO.
I set my level of visiting Shrines and temples very high. I had soo many places to check out. Time constraints and injury limited me and reduced the places I wanted to go. But I did get a lot done… so I truly can’t complain.
Nagoya, Nara, Osaka, Uji, Dazaifu, Ofuna, Enoshima Island and Tochigi were the places I heavily saw shrines and temples.
While I got quite a few, there are places I want to get the Goshuin at because I was there before.
This also has changed my perspective on visiting shrines and temples in Japan. I don’t simply want to just take pictures there, now will offer prayers, donations and ask for a Goshuin as part of my pilgrimage.