Chabot Space Center 2014
Chabot Space Center 2014 Before Jacob went to stay with my parents in Washington, we took him to Chabot Space Center. This was his first time and I wasn’t sure…
Chabot Space Center 2014 Before Jacob went to stay with my parents in Washington, we took him to Chabot Space Center. This was his first time and I wasn’t sure…
Berkeley Science Museum 2015 Took the boys to look at some bugs and stuff! LOL. The Berkeley Science Museum is pretty cool. This is up in the hills of Berkeley
Golden Gate Lookout Like many big tourist cities, San Francisco has many things to offer. Golden Gate is iconic here and to make sure that people get their pictures and…
Sand Point 2015 To celebrate Lucas’ 1st birthday, we took a trip to Lake Tahoe. This was between seasons, so even though there was snow, it didn’t seem enough for…
This was a night stroll Jasmin and I did. Canada Place and the Convention Centre were closed and we just walked around exploring.
Bridal Veil Falls 2015 On another weekend trip to Vancouver BC, I was able to explore more eastward towards Chilliwack. I read about Bridal Veil Falls and had to see…
Harvey Creek, North Vancouver BC 2015 In 2015, my family was in staying in Vancouver BC, while I stayed in the bay area and worked. Almost every other weekend, I…